2005 – Ph.D. (Statistics), Iowa State University
1999 – MS (Biometry), University of Nebraska
1994 – BSE (Mathematics), Southern Arkansas University
Research Interest
Power and Sample Size Calculations, Statistical Methods Evaluating Dose-response in Animal Experiments & Human Studies – Particularly for Radiation Doses, Discounting (within neuroeconomics), Hierarchical Models
Courses Taught
BIOS 5313 Nonparametric Methods
Recent Publications
Tang J, Landes RD. Some t-tests for N-of-1 trials with serial correlation. Accepted for PLOS ONE.2020 Jan.
Chen, H-F, Landes RD, Schuldt R, Tilford M. Quality performance of rural and urban home health agencies: Implications for rural add-on payment policies. Accepted for Journal of Rural Health.2019 Nov.
Miousse IR, Skinner CM, Sridharan V, Seawright JW, Singh P, Landes RD, Cheema AK, Hauer-Jensen M, Boerma M, Koturbash I. Changes in one-carbon metabolism and DNA methylation in the hearts of mice exposed to space environment-relevant doses of oxygen ions (16O). Life Sciences in Space Research. 2019 Aug; 22: 8-15. doi: 10.1016/j.lssr.2019.05.003.
Sadakane A, Landes RD, Sakata R, Nagano J, Shore RE, Ozasa K. Medical radiation exposure among atomic bomb survivors: understanding its impact on risk estimates of atomic bomb radiation. Radiation Research.2019Jun; 191(6): 507-517.
Yamada M, Landes RD, Hida A, Ishihara K, Krull KR. Effects of demographic variables on subjective neurocognitive complaints using the Nuerocognitive Questionnaire (NCQ) in an aged Japanese population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2019 Feb; 16(3): pii:E421. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16030421.6.
See Reid Lande’s Faculty Profile with Department of Biostatistics.