Courses Taught
HPMT 6329 Advanced Topics in Implementation Science
HPMT 6319 Implementation Research in Clinical Practice Settings
HPMT 6329 Advanced Topics in Implementation Science
HPMT 6319 Implementation Research in Clinical Practice Settings
Associate Professor, Health Behavior and Health Education
Health Promotion and Prevention Research (HPPR) Doctoral Program, Co-Director
UAMS Translational Research Institute (TRI) Community Engagement Core, Associate Director
2010-2012 South Central Mental Illness Research, Education & Clinical Center, Advanced Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow in Health Services Research
2010 PhD University of Michigan, Clinical Psychology
2008 MS University of Michigan
2006 BS Xavier University of Louisiana, Major: Psychology, Summa Cum Laude with honors in English, History, and Psychology
Haynes, T., Turner, J., Smith, J., Curran, G., et al. (2018). Reducing depressive symptoms through behavioral activation in churches: A Hybrid-2 randomized effectiveness-implementation design. Contemporary Clinical trials. 64, 22-29.
Haynes, T. F., Cheney, A. M., Sullivan, J. G., Bryant, K., Curran, G. M., Olson, M., … & Reaves, C. (2017). Addressing mental health needs: perspectives of African Americans living in the rural south. Psychiatric Services, 68(6),
Cheney, A. M., Haynes, T. F., Olson, M., Cottoms, N., Bryant, K., Reaves, C. M., … & Sullivan, G. (2018). Using Deliberative and Qualitative Methods to Mobilize Community Around the Mental Health Needs of Rural African Americans. Health Systems & Reform, 4(1), 8-18.
1994-1997 – Ph.D., Health Education, Community Health, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
1993-1994 – M.P.H., Health Education/Communications Tulane University School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, LA
1986-1990 – B.A.(double major), Rhetoric and Communications, Afro-American StudiesUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Sakuma, K.K., Dolcini, M.M., Seifert, J.*, Greaves, M., Fagan, P.,Wilson, M., Felicitas-Perkins, J.Q.*, Blanco, L.*, Trinidad, D.R.(in press). Hookah and electronic inhalant device use and perceptions among African American youth and young adults: are we asking the right questions? Health Education & Behavior. doi: 10.1177/1090198119876977.
Breland,A., Balster,R.L., Cobb,C., Fagan,P., Foulds,J., Koch,J.R., Lipato,T., Saliba,N.,Shihadeh,A., Sun,S., Eissenberg,T.(2019). Answering questions about electronic cigarettes using a multidisciplinary model. AmericanPsychologist,74(3):368-379.
Soule,E.K., Sakuma,K.K., Palafox,S.*, Pokhrel,P., Herzog,T.A., Thompson,N.*, Fagan,P.+(2019). Content analysis of internet marketing strategies used to promote flavored electronic cigarettes. AddictiveBehaviors,91:128-135.
Fagan, P.+,Guy, M., Alexander, L.A., Oliver, V. (2019). The casualties left behind in the cinders of tobacco combustion. Current Addiction Reports,6(3), 183-190.
2008 PhD Doctorate of Philosophy in Nursing, Azusa Pacific University, CA
2002 MSN Family Nurse Practitioner, Duke University
1999 BS Healthcare Administration, University of Michigan-Flint
1999 BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Michigan-Flint
Faith-based interventions for overall health, mental health, stress management, and depression
Bryant-Moore, K., Pettey Bricker, C., Haynes, T., Ounpraseuth, S., Yeary, K., Turner, J., Smith, J., Kuo, D., Harris, K., Stewart, M.K. & Sullivan, G. (Under Review). Hypertension among the African American Faith Community in the Arkansas Delta. Journal of Religion and Health
Haynes, T., Yeary, K., Turner, J., Smith, J., Curran, G., Bryant-Moore, K., Ounpraseuth, S., Kramer, T., Harris, K., Hutchins, E. (2018) Reducing Depressive Symptoms through Behavioral Activation in Churches: A Hybrid-2 randomized effectiveness-implementation design. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 64, 22-29.
Bryant, K., Matthews, E., & DeClerk, L. (2017). The Integration of Service Learning into a Doctoral Level Qualitative Research Methodology Course. Nurse Educator. DOI: 10.1097/.0000000000000387
Haynes, T., Cheney, A., Sullivan, G., Bryant, K., Curran, G., Olson, M., Cottoms, N., & Reaves, C. (2017). Addressing Mental Health Needs: Perspectives from African Americans Living in the Rural South. Psychiatric Services, 68(6), 573-578.
Turner, J., Smith, J., Yeary, K., Haynes, T., Bryant, K., Kuo, D., Stewart, K., Harris, K., Lovelady, N., McCoy, S. & Sullivan, G. (2017). Community Building Community: The distinct benefits of community partners building other communities’ capacity to conduct health research. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 11(1), 81-86.
Bryant, K., Moore, T., Willis, N., & Hadden, K. (2015). Development of a Faith-based Stress Management intervention in a Rural African American Community. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action,9(3), 423-430.
2006 – Ph.D. (Health Services Research), University of Washington
1988 – MHA (Health Administration), University of Washington
1986 – BA (Philosophy), University of Washington
Acute care injury outcomes; EMS and trauma systems; injury prevention, public health systems research; occupational injury surveillance and research
HPMT 5340 Management Capstone
HPMT 5213 Healthcare Quality Management
HPMT 5124 Health Care Strategic Planning
Injury Epidemiology
Bowman SM, Bulger E, Sharar SR, Maham SA, Smith SD. A national survey of general surgeons regarding clinical practice guidelines for pediatric spleen injury management. Arch Surg 2010;145(11):1048-53.
Bowman SM, Aitken ME. Still unsafe, still in use: The ongoing epidemic of all-terrain vehicle injury hospitalizations among children. J Trauma 2010;69(6):1344-49.
Bowman SM, Aitken ME, Maham SA. Trends in hospitalizations associated with pediatric burns. Inj Prev 2011; 17(3):166-70.
Bowman SM, Aitken ME, Robbins J, Baker SP. Trends in US Pediatric Drowning Hospitalizations, 1993-2008. Pediatrics 2012;129(2):275-281.
Sears JM, Graves HM, Blanar L, Bowman SM. Case identification of work-related traumatic brain injury using the Occupational Injury and Illness Classification Systems (OIICS). J Occup Environ Med 2013;55(5):507-13.
Member: Graduate Faculty
Fellow: American Statistical Association
Member: Society for Clinical Trials, American Society for Clinical Oncology, Caucus of Women in Statistics
Office: RAHN 3226
Phone: 501-296-1556
1979 – Ph.D. (Biomathematics), University of Washington
1974 – B.S. (Mathematics & Statistics), Southern Methodist University
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials, Variable Selection, Nonparametric Methods
PBHL 5013 Biostatistics I
Culp WC, Onteddu S, Brown A, Nalleballe K, Sharma R, Skinner R, Witt T, Roberson PK, Marsh JD. Dodecafluoropentane emulsion (DDFPe) in acute ischemic stroke, a phase Ib/II randomized and controlled dose-escalation trial. JVasc Interv Radiol2019;30:1244-1250. (Selected as 2019 JVIR DistinguishedClinical Study)
Brown LM, Lensing SY, Roberson PK, Bopp MM, Sullivan DH. Serum albumin as an independent predictor of mortality among older veterans discharged from recuperative care. SM J Nutr Metab. 2019; 5(1): 1028.
Rabalais AE, Dubbert PM, Roberson PK. Affective response to exercise in veterans participating in a substance abuse or posttraumatic stress disorder rehabilitation program. J Military and Gov Counseling,2018, 6(4), 226-238.
Padala PR, Padala KP, Lensing SY, Jackson AN, Hunter CR, Parkes CM, Dennis RA, Bopp MM, Caceda R, Mennemeier MS, Roberson PK, Sullivan DH. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for apathy in mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled, cross-over pilot study. Psychiatry Research, 2018, 261:312-318; doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.12.063
Sullivan DH, Sullivan SC, Bopp MM, Roberson PK, Lensing SY. BUN as an independent predictor of post-hospital-discharge mortality among older veterans. J Nut Health Aging; 2018;
Padala PR, Padala KP, Lensing SY, Ramirez D, Monga V, Bopp MM, Roberson PK, Dennis RA, Petty F, Sullivan DH, Burke WJ. Methylphenidate for apathy in community-dwelling older veterans with mild Alzheimer’s disease: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Psychiatry,2018; 175(2):159–168;published online ahead of print Sept 15,2017; doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17030316
See Paula K. Roberson’s Faculty Profile with Department of Biostatistics
Deputy State Health Officer and Chief Science Officer
Arkansas Department of Health
1993 – Ph.D., Epidemiology and Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1988 – MPH, Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
1982 – M.D., University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica
1978 – BSc, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica
Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Heart Disease and Stroke prevention
EPID 6401: Advanced Public Health Practice
Delongchamp R, Holt A, Faramawi M, Balamurugan A, Reeve G, Zohoori N, and Bates J. “Differences between Arkansas and the United States in prevalence of risk factors explain variations in ischemic heart disease mortality rates among pre-Medicare (45-64) and Medicare (65-84) age groups.” European Journal of Environment and Public Health. 2019:3(1).
Lewis K, Goudie A, Kahn R, Li J, Porter A, Zohoori N, Thompson J. “COVID-19 Comorbid Conditions Associated with Severe Outcomes in Arkansas.” Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society. 2020:117(5).
Vang KE, Krow-Lucal ER, James AE, Cima MJ, Kothari A, Porter A, Zohoori N, Campbell EM. “Participation in Fraternity and Sorority Activities and the Spread of COVID-19 Among Residential University Communities — Arkansas, August 21–September 5, 2020.” MMWR. 70(1);20–23, 2021.
2005 – Ph.D. (Statistics), Iowa State University
1999 – MS (Biometry), University of Nebraska
1994 – BSE (Mathematics), Southern Arkansas University
Power and Sample Size Calculations, Statistical Methods Evaluating Dose-response in Animal Experiments & Human Studies – Particularly for Radiation Doses, Discounting (within neuroeconomics), Hierarchical Models
BIOS 5313 Nonparametric Methods
Tang J, Landes RD. Some t-tests for N-of-1 trials with serial correlation. Accepted for PLOS ONE.2020 Jan.
Chen, H-F, Landes RD, Schuldt R, Tilford M. Quality performance of rural and urban home health agencies: Implications for rural add-on payment policies. Accepted for Journal of Rural Health.2019 Nov.
Miousse IR, Skinner CM, Sridharan V, Seawright JW, Singh P, Landes RD, Cheema AK, Hauer-Jensen M, Boerma M, Koturbash I. Changes in one-carbon metabolism and DNA methylation in the hearts of mice exposed to space environment-relevant doses of oxygen ions (16O). Life Sciences in Space Research. 2019 Aug; 22: 8-15. doi: 10.1016/j.lssr.2019.05.003.
Sadakane A, Landes RD, Sakata R, Nagano J, Shore RE, Ozasa K. Medical radiation exposure among atomic bomb survivors: understanding its impact on risk estimates of atomic bomb radiation. Radiation Research.2019Jun; 191(6): 507-517.
Yamada M, Landes RD, Hida A, Ishihara K, Krull KR. Effects of demographic variables on subjective neurocognitive complaints using the Nuerocognitive Questionnaire (NCQ) in an aged Japanese population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2019 Feb; 16(3): pii:E421. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16030421.6.
See Reid Lande’s Faculty Profile with Department of Biostatistics.
1997 – Ph.D. (Biostatistics), University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
1994 – MPH (Biostatistics), University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Linear Models, Empirical Methodology, Simulation, Graphics
Lowe LM, Gokun Y, Williams DK, Yates C. SPATIOTEMPORAL PARAMETERS OFADOLESCENT GAIT WHEN PERFORMINGA VISUOSPATIAL MEMORY TASK. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2019 Sep;14(5):753-760. PubMed PMID: 31598413; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC6769276.