Students are expected to follow all policies established by the University of Arkansas System Board of Trustees, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health, and The Graduate School (if PhD student). Relevant policies are summarized below, with references to full policies that may be available in other locations. All policies are subject to revision.
Students must have completed at least 72 credit hours of undergraduate coursework in order to be admitted to the 4+1 Master of Public Health program. Admitted 4+1 students must complete their undergraduate degree in order to graduate with a Master of Public Health degree from the COPH.
As a student enrolled in the COPH, you are subject to the Academic Integrity Code, Principles, Policy & Procedures.
The Honor Pledge you sign at enrollment documents your knowledge that you may not engage in, or facilitate engagement in, the following forms of academic misconduct1:
a. Cheating
b. Fabrication
c. Plagiarism
d. Interference
e. Violation of Course Rules
f. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
g. Failing to comply with the terms or conditions of a Settlement Agreement that has been approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA).
h. Acting in any other way that would undermine the academic integrity of the COPH
The definitions and descriptions of these terms can be found at
1 Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct. Part II: Section B. Indiana University. Available at Used with permission (IU Chief Policy Officer Mike Jenson 7/10/2023).
Students enrolled in certificate or degree programs in the COPH who earn less than a 3.00 cumulative COPH grade-point average (GPA – rounded to the nearest 1/100th point) on nine (9) or more semester credit hours of course work applicable to their degree program, will be placed on academic probation. Students placed on academic probation must achieve a cumulative COPH GPA of 3.00 or higher upon or before the successful completion of the next nine (9) semester credit hours. The next nine (9) semester credit hours may be completed in one or more semesters. Upon achievement of a cumulative COPH GPA of 3.00 or higher, the student will be removed from academic probation.
Dismissal from the College will occur if the student’s cumulative COPH GPA is not raised to 3.00 at the end of the semester in which the student completes the final hour of the next nine (9) semester credit hours of course work approved by the student’s program. If, at the time a student is initially placed on academic probation, it is mathematically impossible for the student to raise her/his cumulative COPH GPA to 3.00 at the end of a semester in which he or she completes the final hour of the next nine (9) semester credit hours of course work, the student will be immediately dismissed from the College.
A COPH student will be dismissed from further study at any time if her/his performance is determined to be unsatisfactory by either the program faculty or the Dean of the COPH. A determination of unsatisfactory performance may be based on academic dishonesty, an Academic Integrity Code violation, and/or failure to maintain a specified cumulative grade-point average. Policies regarding academic dishonesty and other Academic Integrity Code violations are described in the Academic Integrity Code, Principles, Policy & Procedures.
Students enrolled in a COPH doctoral program may be administratively dismissed from the doctoral program if the student fails to pass their respective qualifying exam or if they are unable to complete the program within the allotted time as specified in their respective departmental doctoral degree policies. In such cases, students are not academically dismissed from the COPH; they are administratively dismissed from the particular doctoral program to which they were admitted. Upon administrative dismissal, a student is eligible to apply to another COPH academic program (e.g. a doctoral program in another department).
Students academically dismissed are NOT eligible to regain student status within the COPH.
As a general rule, good academic progress for a student taking coursework can be defined as completing six credit hours or more within an academic year.
Students who have not successfully completed at least one course within three (3) consecutive semesters will lose their active student status. Before being allowed to register again, masters or certificate programs students must contact the Office of Student & Alumni Affairs and the associate dean to request reinstatement, and doctoral students must contact their doctoral degree program director to request reinstatement.
Students who have not completed a minimum of three (3) credit hours during a period of two academic years will be dismissed from the COPH and must complete an application for readmission before being allowed to continue their studies.
The process regarding a Student Request for Academic Accommodations is outlined in UAMS Academic Affairs Policy 2.2.5.
A copy of the policy can be found at:
The Student Request for Accommodation Form can be found at:
Class days start on the date listed on the academic calendar as the date the semester begins. For the purposes of dropping classes, the number of class days specified refers to the number of calendar days following the day on which classes started (exclusive of weekends and holidays) regardless of how many, if any, class sessions in a particular course were held.
Students must pay a late fee in order to register after formal registration closes, Students who do not register by the last published day of registration have five (5) class days after that date to complete the registration process when accompanied by the late fee. Students will not be allowed to register after that date unless permission is granted by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health. This applies to all students regardless of student status, date of first class meeting or class location. (For the purpose of late registration, the number of class days specified above refers to the number of calendar days following the days on which formal registration closes regardless of how many, if any, class sessions in a particular course were held.)
A course may be dropped during the first 20 calendar days of a fall or spring semester without having the withdrawal shown on the official record. After the first 20 calendar days, and before the last 20 calendar days of a fall or spring semester, a student may drop a course, but a mark of “W”, indicating withdrawal, will be recorded. A student may not drop a course during the last 20 calendar days of a fall or spring semester.
A course may be dropped during the first ten (10) calendar days of a summer session without having the withdrawal shown on the official record. After the first ten (10) calendar days and before the last ten (10) calendar days of a summer session, a student may drop a course, but a mark of “W” indicating withdrawal, will be recorded. A student may not drop a course during the last ten (10) calendar days of a summer session.
Dropping Weekend Courses
A weekend course may be dropped at the end of the first class meeting but a mark of “W” indicating withdrawal will be recorded unless the first class meeting occurs within the first 20 calendar days of a fall or spring semester and/or the first 10 calendar days of a summer session.
NOTE: Once a student has completed on-line registration, he or she must complete and provide to the Registrar a COPH Add/Drop Form in order to officially drop a course; otherwise, the course will remain on the transcript. This form is available on the COPH website at .
Refunds will NOT be given for dropped courses unless the course is dropped before the REFUND deadline as defined by the COPH Academic Calendar available at
Application for graduation must be made to the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) and fees paid prior to the last official date of registration for the semester in which degree requirements will be completed and graduation effected. If a student fails to complete the degree, the student must contact the OUR concerning renewal of the application or withdrawal from the COPH. Clearance is required from certain UAMS offices (library, parking, etc.) before a student may receive her/his degree.
A student may appeal a final course grade that has been awarded for their academic performance. The appeal must be made within 30 days of the posting of the grade in the UAMS student information system. The appeal is made in writing to the faculty member who assigned the grade for the course. This faculty member will respond to the student within 30 days of the date of the appeal.
Students are expected to be diligent in the pursuit of their studies and in their class attendance. Students have the responsibility of making arrangements satisfactory to the instructor regarding all absences. Such arrangements should be made prior to the absence, if possible. Policies of making up work missed as a result of absence are at the discretion of the instructor and students should verify the policies of their instructors at the beginning of each semester.
When a student takes a course for audit, s/he must register, pay the appropriate fees, and be admitted to class on a space available basis. Instructors will notify students of the requirements for receiving the mark of “AU” for audited courses. If the student is not satisfying the requirements specified by the instructor, the instructor or Dean may drop a student from the course being audited. The student will be notified if this action is taken.
The cost for auditing is the same as taking classes for semester credit. The last day to change from audit to credit is the fifth (5th) calendar day of classes. Changing credit to audit must be done during the first one-half of the course.
The only successful grade or mark which may be given is “AU” and no course credit will be awarded. Courses completed with grades of “AU” are not counted towards completion of degree requirements.
All Graduate Certificate in Public Health and MPH students must satisfy the COPH Biology Competency requirement. Students with an undergraduate degree in biology or a closely related field (e.g. biochemistry, medicine, pharmacy, nursing) or who are currently enrolled in such a program automatically satisfy the requirement. For students without a life sciences degree who have taken undergraduate or graduate-level biology courses, the COPH Biology Competency Committee will determine if they have satisfied the requirement. Students who do not meet the biology competency requirements must successfully complete 3 biology competency exams before or during their first semester of enrollment with a score of 75% or higher. Students who do not pass one or more of the exams will be required to register for the 1-hour Biology course in each subject area in which they did not pass at the next available offering (Spring or Fall). Exams are given each semester – dates for the exams can be found on the COPH Academic Calendar. Students are allowed two attempts at each exam.
Students who do not pass all 3 exams in their first semester must register for the Biology course(s) related to the Biology exams that they did not pass, and will not be able to register for the Environmental and Occupational Health and Epidemiology core courses. If the student does not pass the Biology course(s) on the first attempt, then they may only register for the corresponding Biology courses in the next semester. Failure to pass one or more of the Biology courses on the second attempt may lead to dismissal from the MPH program. The Biology Competency courses do NOT count toward the curriculum requirements for the Graduate Certificate or MPH degree, as they are considered pre-requisite knowledge for Certificate and MPH students.
Course requirements for each of the post-baccalaureate certificates and the Master of Public Health, Master of Health Administration, Doctor of Public Health, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees offered by the COPH are detailed in the Program Planners for each. Listed below are other requirements of the COPH for the awarding of the certificates and degrees.
The Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health (COPH) at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) is committed to operating in a manner that promotes mutual trust and public confidence. All members of the COPH community are responsible for sustaining the core values of this institution which includes integrity, respect, diversity, teamwork, creativity, and excellence and for integrating these values into teaching, research, community engagement, business practices, and other services. Ethical, appropriate and respectful conduct at all times is a fundamental expectation for every COPH community member. Further information is available at
As of the Fall 2024 semester, all students beginning enrollment in the Master of Public Health degree program will be required to register for and must complete the Certification in Public Health (CPH) seminar (which requires taking the CPH exam) in the next regular semester after successfully completing the 6 MPH CORE courses. (Epidemiology I, Biostatistics I, Health Care Systems, Introduction to Public Health, Introduction to Health Behavior/Health Education, Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences).
Example. Ms. Jones is in good academic standing after completing 3 MPH core courses in the Fall 2024 semester and the remaining 3 MPH core courses in the Spring 2025 semester. Ms. Jones must complete the CPH seminar (which requires taking the CPH exam) in the Fall 2025 semester.
The COPH will cover the cost of the first CPH exam attempt by issuing a voucher. If a student does not pass the CPH exam, retaking the exam is optional, in which case the student will be responsible for any rescheduling arrangements or re-testing fees. If the student passes the CPH exam, then upon graduation they will possess both a degree and a professional certification and may sign their name using both MPH and CPH.
A student seeking a professional degree is considered to be a mature adult whose attitude, conduct, and morals are compatible with the functions and missions of UAMS as an educational institution. Each student is expected to comply with requests of University officials in the performance of their duties; to obey the laws of the city, state, and nation; and to refrain from conduct that would demean the ethics and integrity of the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health. Unsatisfactory conduct may result in dismissal from the program.
The Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health sponsors a Convocation ceremony for graduating students of all College programs and members of their families. This ceremony is typically scheduled on the morning of Commencement in May each year, and all graduates are encouraged to attend. Numerous awards are presented to students and faculty by peers, as well as awards to faculty by students.
The COPH adheres to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s (ADHE) minimum requirements for credit hour production as defined at:
The COPH requires a minimum of 15-17 hours of lecture or class time and 45-51 hours of outside preparation per semester credit hour for its didactic courses.
The Cumulative COPH GPA will include all courses taken at UAMS since admission to the current COPH academic program. The Cumulative UAMS GPA will include all courses taken at UAMS. Both GPAs will include repeated courses.
Course requirements for each of the degrees offered by the College of Public Health are detailed in the Program Planners. Listed below are other requirements of the UAMS Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health for the awarding of the Graduate Certificate, Master of Public Health, Master of Health Services Administration and Doctor of Public Health degrees.
Time Frame For Completion of Degree
All requirements for a Graduate Certificate, MS, or MHA degree must be satisfied within six (6) consecutive calendar years from the first registration (whether as a certificate or degree candidate, or a non-degree student) with the COPH.
All doctoral degree program requirements must be completed within ten (10) consecutive calendar years from the first registration in courses for the doctoral degree program. All doctoral programs have specific timelines with interim milestones. See doctoral program policies.
All MPH degree seeking students (MPH, MD/MPH, JD/MPH, MPS/MPH, PharmD/MPH, and AUD/MPH) are expected to complete all MPH degree requirements within eight (8) consecutive calendar years.
Decision of Acceptance
An offer of acceptance to a certificate or master’s program is valid for a maximum of one calendar year from the admitted term of acceptance. Acceptance is defined as enrolling with the COPH. An applicant’s decision to accept, decline or defer entrance into the respective program must be communicated in writing to the appropriate program director(s) within the time period stated in the offer letter or the offer will become void. See doctoral degree program policies for specific time lines for acceptance into those programs
Grade Point Average and Semester Credit Hours
All enrollments, original and repeated, will be shown on the student’s transcript and all grades earned are used to calculate the Cumulative UAMS Grade Point Average (GPA). All enrollments, original and repeated, and all grades earned at UAMS since admission to the current COPH academic program will be used to calculate the Cumulative COPH GPA.
To receive a degree, a candidate must present a minimum Cumulative COPH GPA of 3.00 at the time of requested graduation.
Successful Completion of Individual Courses
For master’s and certificate programs, courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or above to be considered successfully completed. For doctoral degree programs, courses must be completed with a grade of “B” or above to be considered successfully completed. Only courses that are successfully completed will be used to count towards degree requirements. When a listed requirement for enrollment in a course includes completion of a prerequisite course, the prerequisite course must have been completed successfully.
Degree Application
For students wishing to graduate at the end of a semester, a fully completed degree application must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the last official day of registration for that semester.
Campus Clearance
Completion of the campus clearance procedures as directed by the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is required prior to the awarding of the degree.
Degree programs that are overseen through the Graduate School are subject to the rules and regulations of the UAMS Graduate School. Specific information may be found on their website at
Completion of the campus clearance procedures as directed by the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and is required prior to the awarding of the degree. Academic programs that are overseen through the Graduate School are subject to the rules and regulations of the UAMS Graduate School. Specific information may be found on their website at
Students who have completed all requirements for the degree except for defending the final dissertation must continue to register for one or more semester credit hours for dissertation research each semester until the final dissertation has been successfully defended. The number of semester credit hours must reflect the amount of student and faculty effort devoted to dissertation activities during each semester. During this final stage of dissertation preparation, the College will recognize one semester credit hour of dissertation research as a full-time course load.
Final grades for courses are “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “F”. (No semester credit is earned for courses in which a grade of “F” is recorded.) A final grade of “F” shall be assigned to a student who is failing on the basis of work completed but who has not completed all requirements. The instructor may change an “F” so assigned to a passing grade if warranted by satisfactory completion of all requirements. For numerical evaluation of grades, “A” is assigned four (4) points for each semester credit hour of that grade; “B” three (3) points; “C” two (2) points; “D” one (1) point, and “F” zero (0) points.
A mark of “I” (incomplete) may be assigned to a student who has not completed all course requirements if the work completed is of passing quality. An “I'” so assigned may be changed to a grade provided all course requirements have been completed within a maximum of twelve (12) weeks from the beginning of the next semester after receiving the “I” (Incomplete).
However, a written and signed agreement between the student and the instructor shall supersede this policy. If the instructor does not report a grade within the twelve-week period, the “I” shall be changed to an “F”. Violation of such an agreement may result in a change of grade of “I” to “F” before the twelve-week deadline has passed, based on the dates agreed to by the student and instructor for completion of incomplete work. When the mark of “I” is changed to a final grade, this shall become the grade for the semester in which the course was originally taken.
A mark of “AU” (Audit) is given to a student who officially registers and successfully completes a course for audit purposes
(see auditing a course). The only successful grade or mark which may be given is “AU” and no course credit will be awarded. Courses completed with grades of “AU” are not counted towards completion of degree requirements. Instructors will notify students of the requirements for receiving the mark of “AU” for audited courses. If the student is not satisfying the requirements specified by the instructor, the instructor or associate dean may drop a student from the course being audited. The student will be notified if this action is taken.
If an instructor does not wish to award an “AU” to a student who enrolled for audit, the following procedure will be followed:
- If the student had no other obligation than to attend lectures, a notation will be made that the course was “Not Completed.”
- If the student and instructor had agreed on certain obligations to be fulfilled by the student, the instructor shall write a letter indicating the nature of the arrangements and stating that the student did not complete the obligations. A notation will be made on the Academic Transcript stating, “See letter in file.”
For courses designated to be graded on a Pass/Fail basis, “Pass” is given for a course for which a student did work of a passing quality. The grade of “Pass” allows semester credit toward a degree but no grade points are earned. A grade of “Fail” indicates the student did not do work of passing quality, and no semester credit or grade points are awarded. The COPH allows a maximum of three (3) semester credit hours of “Pass/Fail” course work, excluding capstone coursework (preceptorship and integration project), to count towards the minimum course requirements of an MPH degree.
A mixing of course letter grades and the mark “Pass” or “Fail” is not permitted in post-baccalaureate courses and is not to be so reported on the Official Final Grade Report. If a letter grade is reported for any student on the Final Grade Report, then all students listed on that report must receive a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) or a mark of “I”. A change of grade (from “Pass” or “Fail” to a letter grade) is not permitted for courses in which “Pass” or “Fail” marks are reported.
A mark of “In Progress” indicates that the student is currently enrolled in coursework for the semester. The mark “In Progress” gives neither semester credit nor grade points toward a degree. When the course(s) are completed, a grade is assigned for required semester credit hours only.
A mark of “S” (Satisfactory) is assigned in courses such as special problems and research when a final grade is inappropriate. The mark “S” is not assigned to courses or work for which semester credit is given (and thus, no grade points are earned for such work). If semester credit is awarded upon the completion of such work, a grade or mark may be assigned at that time and, if a grade is assigned, grade points will be earned.
A mark of “W” (Withdrawal) will be given for courses from which a student withdraws after the first twenty (20) class days and before the last twenty (20) class days of the semester or after the first ten (10) class days and before the last ten (10) class days of the summer session. (Class days start and end on the date listed on the academic calendar as the date the semester begins or ends. For purpose of dropping classes, the number of class days specified above refers to the number of calendar days following the day on which classes started or preceding the number of calendar days on which classes end (exclusive of weekends and holidays) regardless of how many, if any, class sessions in a particular course were held.)
The COPH recognizes students who graduate with an overall COPH GPA of 3.850 and above as ‘honor graduates’. The designation of ‘honors’ for commencement and convocation participation (and printing in commencement and convocation programs) are determined at the end of the semester prior to graduation. Honors for transcript entry are determined at the end of the final semester. Grades earned for the graduating term will be included in the determination of honors status.
As of the Fall 2015 semester, all COPH degree-seeking students are required to complete the UAMS
Interprofessional Education (IPE) Program prior to graduation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Interprofessional Education occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care.”
The IPE Program is non credit hour earning and consists of several workshops and other activities. All aspects of the IPE Program must be completed prior to degree program completion as a condition of graduation.
For more information on IPE, please visit or you may also consult the Office of Student and Alumni Affairs.
Students may apply for knowledge credit for PBHL 50033 Introduction to Public Health if they enter a COPH degree program after completing at least a bachelor’s degree in public health from a school or program that is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health.
The application for knowledge credit must be made to the COPH Office of Academic Affairs on a UAMS Petition for Course Substitution Form, with transcript attached showing the attainment of the requisite degree in public health.
The Student Leave of Absence Policy is outlined in UAMS Academic Affairs Policy 2.2.10.
A copy of the policy can be found at:
The UAMS Student Leave of Absence Request Form can be found on the Registrar’s website at:
The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree prepares students in the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through organized community outreach. Public health differs from other health programs in that it focuses on large population groups instead of individuals. It emphasizes promoting health and wellness as ultimate goals and prevention over cure.
The MPH degree requires a student to complete 42 semester credit hours within one of six available concentration tracks:
Environmental and Occupational Health
Health Behavior and Health Education
Health Policy and Management
Climate, Rural, and Global Health Public Health Practice (Online)
Each student is required to declare a specialty track in SOPHAS and is assigned an initial academic advisor. Once the student is enrolled in the program, the student has the option to negotiate advisors and/or change programs, in which case the student must complete the Change of Advisor/Specialty Track form and officially file this change with the Office of the University Registrar (OUR).
Individuals may be granted permission, at the discretion of the instructor and/or department, to enroll in classes as nondegree seeking students. Formal admission to the COPH certificate or degree programs is not required; however, students in this category must complete a non-degree seeking application to the COPH Office of Student & Alumni Affairs prior to each semester for which they are seeking non-degree status and are subject to the provisions of the section in the COPH Course Catalog titled “Non-Degree Seeking Students.”
Non-degree seeking students generally will be allowed to enroll in courses on a space available basis once all degree seeking students have been placed on the class roster. It is important to note that in some instances, courses will be over-enrolled with degree candidates, and when this occurs, no non-degree seeking students will be able to enroll. The application fee will not be refunded.
A student who has not been accepted in a program of study leading to a specific COPH certificate or degree may take no more than twelve (12) semester hours of COPH coursework that can be counted toward the requirements for a COPH certificate or degree.
The COPH upholds the UAMS Non-Discrimination Statement, UAMS Academic Affairs Policy, 2.1.3..
A copy of the policy can be found at:
Grievance Procedures for Alleged Discrimination are included in UAMS Academic Affairs Policy 2.2.1.
A copy of the policy can be found at:
Plagiarism is a violation of the COPH Academic Integrity Code, Principles, Policy & Procedures.
Additional information can be obtained at:
Students must complete the CPH Prep course after completing between 18 to 24 credit hours of course work which must include the 18 hour MPH core courses: PBHL 50033 Introduction to Public Health; BIOS 50133 Biostatistics; ENVH 51003 Environmental Health Sciences; HPMT 51033 The Health Care System; HBHE 51043 Health Behavior and Health Education; EPID 51103 Epidemiology I.
Standard process for transitioning from certificate programs to MPH (or MS for holders of the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Data Analytics)
A student with a bachelor’s degree who completes all courses in the specified graduate certificate program and wishes to progress to the corresponding graduate degree program must apply to the corresponding program and undergo an Admissions Committee review, using the same policies and procedures for all other applicants to COPH programs. The student will be expected to submit all required materials for admissions review for the degree program, including standardized test scores. Some items such as official transcripts and external reference forms utilized during the student’s certificate application process may be eligible to be included in the degree program application process. Contact the admissions office in Student Affairs for more information. The student will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee.
Accelerated process transitioning from certificate programs to MPH (or MS for holders of the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Data Analytics)
A student with a bachelor’s degree who completes all courses in a graduate certificate programs with a ‘B’ or better, and who has earned a 3.00 overall G.P.A. in all COPH courses taken, may petition the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to progress to the corresponding graduate degree program without completing the formal application process.
Application of Certificate Coursework to Master’s Degree
A student who completes one or more courses in a COPH graduate certificate programs with a ‘B’ or better may apply those courses to the requirements for completion of the corresponding master’s degree program as long as the courses are not being applied to any other awarded degree.
Application for Accelerated Process to Change from Graduate Certificate to Graduate Degree
Graduate studies require the ability to reason quantitatively to be successful in course assignments. Competent quantitative reasoning is also an essential skill in the workplace. Many new students have not had the opportunity to receive sufficient training in this area.
To help promote success, all students who enter the COPH beginning Fall 2022, will also be required to take a quantitative reasoning assessment during their first term in the college. This assessment will identify strengths and weaknesses and highlight opportunities for improvement. Students will receive an email telling them to complete the assessments within the first two weeks of the term.
Students who do not meet a predetermined score threshold on the quantitative reasoning assessment will be required to complete an online Quantitative Reasoning Workshop during the course of the term. The course will be equivalent to one credit hour and will not apply to the minimum number of credit hours required for completion of any certificate or degree program in the COPH; however, their completion will be required to progress in the program. The Quantitative Reasoning Workshop will consist of a series of course modules with faculty feedback. The workshop will be graded Pass/Fail. There will be no charge for the Quantitative Reasoning Skills Workshops.
Students who pass the course will be allowed to continue enrollment in their program. Students who fail the course must reenroll in the course in the next term in which they take a class in the COPH and will not be permitted to continue enrollment in their program until receiving a grade of Pass. Students who fail to receive a grade of Pass after two attempts in the course will be administratively withdrawn from the COPH and will not be permitted to reapply for any COPH program.
Questions regarding the Quantitative Reasoning Skills Assessment and/or the Quantitative Reasoning Skills Workshop, should be directed to the COPH Office of Student and Alumni Affairs, Director of Admissions.
Students in the COPH are allowed to repeat a course once without requesting approval; however, a student who wishes to repeat a course more than once is required to submit the Request to Repeat a Course form. The student’s academic advisor must approve the request and forward the form to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for final approval. Once all approvals are received, the completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar for processing. Students will not be permitted to enroll in a course more than three times.
Students in the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health are encouraged to enrich their educational experience by getting involved in the various professional and student organizations relevant to their chosen profession. UAMS has established a policy to establish guidelines for UAMS student organizations that are required to register with the Campus Life and Student Support Services (CLSSS) (
Arkansas Public Health Association
The Arkansas Public Health Association (APHA) is an organization to which any individual may belong. The Arkansas Public Health Association is a private, non-profit organization of health professionals and others interested in public health who aspire to exercise leadership in protecting and promoting personal and environmental health. Visit for more information.
APHA Student Assembly
The APHA Student Assembly (APHA-SA) is the nation’s largest student-led organization dedicated to furthering the development of students, the next generation of professionals in public health and health- related disciplines. APHA-SA represents and serves students of public health and other health-related disciplines by connecting individuals who are interested in working together on public health and student- related issues. More information can be found at
COPH Honor Council
The mission of the UAMS College of Public Health Honor Council is to promote, encourage, and ensure compliance with the standards of the Academic Integrity Code, Policies, and Procedures.
The election of representatives from the COPH student body to the Honor Council is held in the spring term of each year with the term of service beginning the following fall term. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs assists the Council in conducting the election.
The five student representatives serve two-year terms with two or three representatives rotating off the Council each year. One of the two student alternates is also elected from the student body each year. The Dean appoints one of two faculty representatives to the Honor Council each spring. Each faculty representative serves a two-year term.
The Honor Council meets at least once a year to orientate new members. The Council meets as needed throughout the year.
COPH Student Council
The mission of the UAMS College of Public Health Student Council is to advance the interests of enrolled students in the COPH, to serve as an exemplar of public health values and principles, to assist in the development of policies for students, to determine ways to communicate policies to students, to select representatives to appropriate College committees, and to assist in planning student affairs.
Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health
Delta Omega is the honorary society for graduate studies in public health. The society was founded in 1924 by John Hopkins School of Public Health. There are currently 48 chapters throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. On December 20, 2005 the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health fulfilled the requirements to be granted as a national chapter designated Beta Delta.
Delta Omega is governed by a Delta Omega constitution and by-laws and also a governance manual. The governing body is the National Council, which is composed of elected officers and representatives of each chapter. The council meets annually, usually held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.
Each chapter conducts the principal Delta Omega activities. The chapters elect new members each year from four groups:
- students who are candidates for a graduate degree in public health,
- faculty members at the school of public health, and
- alumni actively engaged in public health work
- honorary members possessing exceptional qualifications
Election from all three groups is based on outstanding performance–scholarship in students, teaching and research in faculty members, and community service in alumni. Election to membership in Delta Omega is intended, not only to recognize merit, but also, to encourage further excellence in, and devotion to, public health work.
Since Delta Omega’s establishment in 1924, the meaning and scope of public health has broadened tremendously. While it is still seriously concerned with problems of environmental sanitation and communicable disease control, public health action has come to embrace all aspects of health and disease in populations. These include the planning, organization, and support of health promotion, disease prevention, and medical care. Basic to modern public health are the social sciences as well as the natural sciences–both in the United States and internationally.
Membership in Delta Omega reflects the dedication of an individual to quality in the field of public health and to protection and advancement of the health of all people. Candidates to be tapped into the Beta Delta chapter are selected by faculty members of the Delta Omega Selection Committee chaired by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
MHSA Graduate Student Association
The MHSA student association provides an opportunity for student leadership and representation. The association elects officers each year and coordinates a series of student meetings, educational events and a community service project.
MHSA Student Network – American College of Medical Practice Executives
In 2002, the program became a charter member of the Student Network program of the American College of Medical Practice Executive/Medical Group Management Association. The members of the Network elect officers each year and work with the other student associations to coordinate education meetings and activities with the Arkansas Medical Group Management Association.
UAMS Assembly
The UAMS Assembly has two deliberating bodies, the Academic Senate and the House of Delegates, composed of faculty, students, and staff. The assembly determines and submits guidelines and policies for campus affairs to the Chancellor.
UAMS Student Government
Students in good standing in one of the five UAMS colleges and Graduate school may participate in the Associated Student Government. The ASG is responsible for publishing the UAMS yearbook, “Caduceus,” scheduling social events, and negotiating the student health insurance policy.
The UAMS COPH will permit a master’s student to transfer up to six (6) hours of semester credit from other programs (outside of COPH), subject to approval by the COPH Academic Standards Committee. Master’s program students wishing to transfer semester credit hours must contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for more information. Doctoral degree program students wishing to transfer semester credit hours must obtain approval of their doctoral program director before a request can be forwarded on to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
Courses to be transferred must meet the following criteria:
- Passed with a grade of “B” or better
- Completed within the five (5) years immediately preceding the application deadline of the requested semester for admission
- Was not used to meet the minimum degree requirements for another degree program in which the degree was awarded
- Course content and syllabus demonstrates significant relevance to public health
To convert one’s status from non-degree seeking to degree seeking, a student must complete an application to the desired degree program by submitting all of the required documentation by the appropriate deadline in order to be reviewed by the appropriate degree program Admissions Committee.
A student who has not been accepted into a program of study leading to a specific COPH certificate or degree may take no more than twelve (12) semester credit hours of COPH coursework that can be counted toward the requirements for a COPH certificate or degree. At the time of acceptance into a COPH certificate or degree program, the Academic Standards
Committee will recommend to the COPH which previously taken courses, if any, are to be accepted in the certificate or degree program
Graduate studies require the ability to write and reason to be successful in course assignments. Writing well is also an essential skill in the workplace. Many new students have not had the opportunity to receive sufficient training in this area.
To help promote success, all students who enter the COPH beginning January 2020, will be required to take a Writing and Reasoning Skills Assessment during their first semester in the college. The assessment will identify strengths and weaknesses and highlight opportunities for improvement. Students will receive an email telling them to complete the assessment within the first couple weeks of the semester.
Students who do not meet a predetermined score threshold will be required to complete an online Writing Skills Workshop course. The course will be equivalent to one credit hour and will not apply to the minimum number of credit hours required for completion of any certificate or degree program in the COPH; however, its completion will be required to progress in the program. The Writing Skills Workshop course will consist of a series of writing assignments with faculty feedback and will be graded Pass/Fail. There will be no charge for the Writing Skills Workshop course.
Students who pass the course will be allowed to continue enrollment in their program. Students who fail the course must reenroll in the course in the next semester it is offered and will not be permitted to continue enrollment in their program until receiving a grade of Pass. Students who fail to receive a grade of Pass after two attempts in the course will be administratively withdrawn from the COPH and will not be permitted to reapply for any COPH program.
Questions regarding the Writing and Reasoning Skills Assessment and/or the Writing Skills Workshop course should be directed to the COPH Office of Student & Alumni Affairs, Director of Admissions.
Students must submit an official letter of voluntary withdrawal to the College in order to withdraw from the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health. The letter must be addressed to the Registrar and copied to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. If enrolled at the time of withdrawal, the student is required to complete the “Add/Drop Form” available on the COPH website. Explanation(s) or reason(s) for withdrawal from the College are not required.
A student who withdraws from school must re-apply for admission to continue her/his studies with the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health. Only students who have an accepted letter of voluntary withdrawal on file and who were in good academic standing at the time of withdrawal will be considered for re-admission by the College.