Friday, October 23rd, 2015
9:00am – 4:30pm
COPH 8240
Instructor: Thomas E. Love, Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology & Biostatistics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Registration Deadline: October 12th
To register contact Shelly Lensing at
About the Course
This course describes and demonstrates effective strategies for using propensity score methods to address the potential for selection bias in observational studies comparing the effectiveness of treatments or exposures. We review the main analytical techniques associated with propensity score methods (matching, weighting, multivariate regression adjustment and stratification using the propensity score, sensitivity analysis for matched samples) and describe key strategic concerns related to effective propensity score estimation, assessment and display of covariate balance, choice of analytic technique, and communicating results effectively. Although we will focus on established approaches to dealing with design and analytical challenges, we conclude the session by reviewing some literature regarding recent methodological advances in propensity scores and application of propensity score methods to problems in health policy research.
This full-day course focuses on providing a useful experience for statisticians and others who are familiar with regression models and have some experience with studies comparing treatments, but does not mandate prior experience with applying propensity methods. Attendees will receive detailed handouts, and access to R scripts and other software tools to carry out analyses , which will be demonstrated in the session.
Registration Fees
$90 CASA Members
$100 Non-members
$35 Full-time Students
Lunch is included in Registration Fee