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Phillips MM, Raczynski JM, West DS, Pulley L, Bursac Z, Gauss CH, Walker JF. (2010). Changes in School Environment With Implementation of Arkansas Act 1220 of 2003. Obesity, 18(S1): S54-S61
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Love SJ, Sheffer CE, Bursac Z, Prewitt TE, Krukowski RA, West DS. (2010). Offer a Weight Management Program to Weight-Concerned Smokers Improves Tobacco Dependence Treatment Outcomes. The American Journal on Addictions, (2010, e-published ahead of print)
Krukowski RA, West DS, Harvey-Berino J, Prewitt TE. (2010). Neighborhood Impact on Healthy Food Availability and Pricing in Food Stores. Journal of Community Health, 35, 315-320
Krukowski RA, Harvey-Berino J, West DS. (2010). Differences in Home Food Availability of High-and Low-Fat Foots after a Behavioral Weight Control Program are Regional Not Racial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 7, 69
Krukowski RA, Lueders NK, Prewitt TE, Williams DK, West DS. (2010). Obesity Treatment Tailored for a Catholic Faith Community: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 382-390
Krukowski RA, West DS. (2010). Consideration of the Food Environment in Cancer Risk Reduction. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(6), 842-844
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Krukowski RA, Lueders NK, Prewitt TE, Williams DK, West DS. (2010). Obesity Treatment Tailored for a Catholic Faith Community: A Feasibility Study. J Health Psych 15:3:382-390, 2010
Pulley, LeaVonne
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Phillips MM, Raczynski JM, West DS, Pulley L, Bursac Z, Gauss CH, Walker JF. (2010). Changes in School Environments with Implementation of Arkansas Act 1220 of 2003. Obesity 2010; 18, S54-61
Raczynski JM, Thompson JW, Phillips MM, Ryan KW, Cleveland HW. (2010). Arkansas Act 1220 of 2003 to Reduce Childhood Obesity: Its Implementation and Impact on Child and Adolescent Body Mass Index. Journal of Public Health Policy 2009; 30, S124-S140
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Love SJ, Sheffer CE, Bursac Z, Prewitt TE, Krukowski RA, West DS. (2010). Offer of A Weight Management Program to Weight-Concerned Smokers Improves Tobacco Dependence Treatment Outcomes. American Journal on Addictions, 2010 E-pub available ahead of print November 2010 Doi: 101111/j1521-0391201000091x
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Phillips MM, Raczynski JM, West DS, Pulley L, Bursac Z, Gauss CH, Walker JF. (2010). Changes in School Environment and Family Behaviors with Implementation of Arkansas Act 1220 (2010). Obesity, 18, S54-61 PMID:20107462
Love SJ, Sheffer CE, Bursac Z, Prewitt TE, Krukowski RA, West DS. (2010). Offer of a Weight Management Program to Weight-Concerned Smokers Improves Tobacco Dependence Treatment Outcomes. American Journal on Addictions Published online DOI: 101111/j1521-0391201000091x
Rubin RR, Gaussoin SA, Peyrot M, DiLillo V, Miller K, Wadden TA, West DS, Wing RR, Knowler WC. (2010). Cardiovascular disease risk factors, depression symptoms, and antidepressant medicine use in the Look AHEAD clinical trial of weight loss in diabetes. Diabetologia, 53, 1581-1589 PMID:20422396
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Krukowski RA, Harvey-Berino J, West DS. (2010). Difference in Home Food Availability of High-and Low-fat Foods After a Behavioral Weight Control Program are Regional Not Racial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 7:69 doi:101186/1479-5868-7-69
Krukowski RA, Lueders NK, Prewitt TE, Williams DK, West DS. (2010). Obesity Treatment Tailored for a Catholic Faith Community: A Pilot Study. Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 382-390
Krukowski RA, West DS. (2010). Consideration of the food environment in cancer risk reduction. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110, 842-844 PMID:20497771